You must know these facts about web hosting

You must know these facts about web hosting

Before hiring the hosting company, check this out. You can decide wisely after reading this.

  • A 1-second delay in page response causes a 7% reduction in e-commerce conversions
  • Sites on the first page of Google search results have an average page load speed of less than 2000 milliseconds. Sites on the tenth page of Google search results have an average page load speed of 2300 milliseconds.
  • Page load speed under 500ms – While the page load speed largely depends on the site structure, there’s also a big role in web hosting provider. If your site loads slower than half a second, you are already losing visitors and customers.
  • Conversion rate increases by 74% when page load time improves from eight seconds to two seconds.
  • 30,000 sites are hacked every day
  • By 2020, at least 1/3 of all data will pass through the cloud.
  • Currently, 40% of major enterprises are going to spend more on storage hardware each year, while almost 50% project that their spending will stay flat even if they reduce the number of services they offer. Storage capacity requirements grow at a rate of 15% to 25% each year.
  • The average data center consumes over 100x the power of a large commercial office building, while a large data center uses the electricity equivalent of a small U.S. town.

Really surprised, right?. You can hire best hosting and server management people from here.