SSL installation error on IIS ASN1 bad tag value met.
When you try to install a certificate in IIS you may see error like ASN1 bad tag value. You can d o below steps to fix it.
Step1: Install the certificate using MMC
Open the Certificate Snap-In from within the MMC
Start -> Run -> Type “mmc” -> File -> Add/Remove Snap-in -> Add -> Certificates
Add Current User account.
My User Account -> Finish.
Add Local Computer account.
Computer account -> Local Computer -> Finish.
Close Add Standalone Snap-in.
Step2: Import the certificate to Personal Certificate Folder
Step3: Repair the certificate
Second, double-click the crt certificate file you just imported, select the Details tab, scroll all the way down to Thumbprint and highlight Thumbprint. In the lower pane, block and copy all the letters of the thumbp Open the command prompt and run this command: Certutil /?
certutil –repairstore my “13 96 cd 96 d5 15 ff 03 b9 2b c5 9a 22 a8 38 89 1e 25 5a 40” ( replace the charcters in side the quote with what you see from above step)
Now if you got back to IIS, you should see the certificate.