Hello everyone, The COVID-19 should have affected almost everyone in a way or another. When it comes to the small and medium level business, the impact may be worse. We have seen that several small scale businesses are down because of the financial crisis during this pandemic. As a hosting provider, we thought about how ...
Some times we might have noticed that there are large number of tiny files are created on the home directory with the name of the cron file. For example if your cron url is https://www.hostingahead.com/cron your home directory will have files like cron.1, cron.2 etc.. A typical cron command will be like this : wget ...
Here were are going to create a 4GB SWAP memory. You can do this buy specifying a block size of 1GB with a count of 4. You can specify your own swap size. sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1G count=4 Enabling the Swap File Make sure the file has proper permission. sudo chmod 600 /swapfile Now ...
You can install all versions of php either from source or install the default version using yum installer. My server has php5.3 already installed and I am going to install PHP5.6 from source. Prerequisites Install suphp and configure mkdir -p /usr/local/php56 mkdir -p /etc/php56 mkdir -p /etc/php56/php.d Download php5.6 wget http://de1.php.net/distributions/php-5.6.19.tar.gz Compile php ./configure –prefix=/usr/local/php56 ...
High Availability is key factor in a production environment. If you have a critical application and you cannot afford a downtime or lose of data the application has to be hosted on a high available hosting infrastructure. You can manage a high available hosting architecture using cloud servers or dedicated servers. Following diagram gives an ...