Before hiring the hosting company, check this out. You can decide wisely after reading this. A 1-second delay in page response causes a 7% reduction in e-commerce conversions Sites on the first page of Google search results have an average page load speed of less than 2000 milliseconds. Sites on the tenth page of Google ...
We see that millions of wordpress websites hacked often and all these are mainly becase of simply ignoring the updates. We strongly advise you to update your WordPress and all plugins to the latest version as soon as it is available. Best practices to keep a wordpress website secure Start with latest version Install only ...
We have seen that millions of websites are being a victim of attack every year. The attack is more visible in open source packages such as WordPress, Joomla, Magento , Drupal etc. This does not mean that other products are secure. Apart from these, almost every website is being attacked. We have seen that customers ...
Companies spend enough money to build their web and mobile applications, which is good. You will be able to get an application at a cheaper rate, but who knows how reliable it is. So, it is always good to build your application from a good company. I don’t know how to define the term “good”. ...
Is your website under virus or malware attack? Several customers have come to us and said their website hosted somewhere else is getting hacked very often. They clean the site and still it is being hacked. The reason is that you are cleaning the website, but not fixing the source of the problem. There could ...
All of our CloudLinux based cpanel servers are installed with multiple PHP version. The latest version of PHP will be the default one . Multiple PHP versions are installed on all CloudLinux servers. If you think your application is not supported by latest PHP, you can select any of the previous version. You can enable ...
If you want to redirect your domain from HTTP to HTTPS, you can achieve this using If you are not using Cloudflare or any proxy server, use the below code in your .htaccess file RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.(.*)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =off RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] If you are using Cloudflare ...
You can set desired PHP version for each websites without changing it globally. Step1 Log into WHM Search for MultiPHP in WHM Step2: Select the domain you want to change the PHP version Select the desired version Click the blue Apply button
Hosting Ahead is a CloudFlare Partner now This is a guest post written and contributed by CloudFlare. CloudFlare makes it easy for any site to be as fast and secure as the Internet giants. CloudFlare, a web performance and security company, is excited to announce our partnership with Hosting Ahead! If you haven’t heard about ...