
Secure WordPress / Joomla / Magento Hosting

Servers that's managed by experts.

Is your website often get hacked? Is your website got injected with malware scripts and phishing codes? The website attack happens in many ways. If you are using an open source packages such as WordPress, Jomla etc, there are more chance to get the attack if you do not secure the sites. The website has to be updated periodically. For example WordPress, Joomla, Drupal etc. releases new updates and patches when they found any vulnerability on the core packages. Similarly plugin providers will also release patches. If you do not install these packages, there is more chance to get your website got hacked?.

  • website is infected with malware ?
  • Phishing pages created in website ?
  • Encoded scripts are found on pages ?
  • Website is redirected to thirdparty sites?
  • Googel blocked your site ?
  • Antivirus software warn your site?

Your website got hacked ? We can help you

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