This is an important announcement regarding the GST (Goods and service tax). Please discard this email if you are not an Indian customer. As per the GST policy in India, an 18% will be charged as GST and which directly goes to the Central and State government depending on the states where your company is registered/operated.

We request you to add your GST number to your billing profile. If you would like to get input tax credit, the GST number is mandatory. If the GST number is not added, we assume that you have not registered GST. If you have any trouble adding the number, you may please create a support ticket and we will help you.

How to add your GST in hosting ahead portal?


Step1: Log on to the Portal ‘

Step2: Click on “Edit account details” from the top right menu

GST Step1

Step3: Enter your GST number without any error
GST Step2

Pazartesi, Haziran 18, 2018

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